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✏️ IELTS Writing Task 1 Explained πŸ’ͺ
Here, you will find instructional videos on how to effectively write various types of IELTS Task 1 essays.

βœ… Line graphs
βœ… Bar charts
βœ… Pie charts
βœ… Maps
Line Graphs

βœ… IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Line Graphs
✏️ Sample Essay

The given line graphs illustrates data from a report in 2008 regarding energy consumption in the USA since 1980 with predictions until 2030.

Overall, fossil fuels have shown increases in consumption since the start of the period, with expectations for even more reliance on these fuel sources. Cleaner energy sources have accounted for considerably less consumption with predictions for a similar trend.

Regarding fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, petrol and oil, they have seen steady increases in energy consumption since 1980. Petrol and oil started at 35 quadrillion units in 1980, then fluctuated until 2000, at which point they rose steadily with a prediction of over 45 quadrillion units by 2030. Additionally, coal followed a similar rising trend. It is predicted that it will have surpassed 30 quadrillion units by 2030. Natural gas usage and it is set to level off at around 24 quadrillion units from 2020 onwards.

In contrast, cleaner energy fuel sources all began the period at under 5 quadrillion units and showed declines in their use, with the exception of nuclear, which climbed slightly to 6 quadrillion units in 2005 with solar/wind expecting to see slight increases . Hydropower is projected to remain relatively unchanged until 2030.

✏️ Sample Task

The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
✏️ Sample Essay

The line graph depicts the consumption of three types of fast food, (hamburgers, pizza, and fried chicken) over a 30 year period by Mauritian teenagers. Units are given as the number of times each kind was eaten per year.

Overall, hamburgers and fried chicken had become the most popular foods by 2015 with the biggest increase in numbers eaten, while pizza that was the most widely-eaten at the start, declined precipitously in popularity.

With regards to hamburgers, consumption showed a steady upward trajectory from 10 times eaten per year to over 70 times. Likewise, teenagers in Mauritius ate fried chicken only 5 times per year in 1985 before rising dramatically to a plateau in 2005, then increased slightly at the end of the period to finish as the second most popular food.

On the contrary, although pizza was the most popular food with Mauritian adolescents in 1985, its consumption fell continuously from 60 times a year to just 10 pizzas by the last year.

✏️ Sample Task

The chart illustrates consumption of three kinds of fast food by teenagers in Mauritius from 1985 to 2015. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
Bar Charts

βœ… IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Charts (1)
✏️ Sample Essay

The bar chart shows the distribution of students by gender across six art-based disciplines at a UK university in 2011.

Generally speaking, the chart shows that while females outnumber males in most disciplines, the gender gap for each subject was not significant with the notable exception of philosophy where, female students outnumbered their male counterparts by almost three to one.

Regarding male enrollments, Art and Design was the only subject with more men than women at a ratio of 120 to 90. Language-based subjects, namely Linguistics, English Language and Literature, and Communication and Media Studies, were the most popular subjects for male students. The least attracted subject for males was philosophy with only 50 students enrolled.

Looking specifically at female enrollment numbers, a higher proportion of females enrolled compared to males across five of the six subjects. Like men, female students were also drawn to language-based subjects. Of these, English Language and Literature was the most popular subject with an enrollment of 250 students.

✏️ Sample Task

The chart above shows the proportion of male and female students studying six art-related subjects at a UK university in 2011. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
✏️ Sample Essay

The chart compares the percentage of male and female professionals in seven widely different career setting from Advertising to Law in 2007.

Overall, in roughly half of the occupations given both genders were approximately equally represented. However, in traditionally gender dominated professions such as teaching, construction and therapists, gender gaps still exist.

From the outset, there were dramatically more men than women in the traditionally male-dominated fields of construction and science with males making up 90 percent and 60 percent of jobs there respectively. On the contrary, only one in ten men hold positions in teaching jobs. The only field with men holding exactly the same number of positions as women was Journalism.

Looking specifically at female professions, women held more jobs in the stereotypical female jobs of teaching and therapy. Women dominated the former field, accounting for 90% of positions in teaching and therapy was similar with women holding 82% of all jobs as opposed to 18% of men. In contrast, females only held 10% of jobs in the male-dominated construction field.

✏️ Sample Task

The chart illustrate the percentage of male and female executives in six different types of professions across the UK in 2007. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
βœ… IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Charts (2)
✏️ Sample Essay

The bar chart illustrates the predicted sales in Turkey of denim jeans for Mango and Jack & Jones companies. Transactions are measured in thousands of pairs.

Overall, the chart predicts an upward trend in sales of jeans. Furthermore, Turkish customers are predicted to purchase more jeans from Jack & Jones Co.

Regarding Mango, between January and August, Mango's sales will increase by 350,000 pairs. Following this, they will plateau until November and will finally show a positive rise in December, to end the year at approximately 600,000 pairs.

In terms of Jack & Jones, they will begin and end the year, outselling Mango by 300,000 pairs. However, sales will dip in February to about 250,000, before increasing to around 400,000 in June. Then, sales are expected to stagnate until August. Jack & Jones Co.'s sales will more than recover in September and October, selling 600,000 pairs of jeans in both months. In the subsequent months, a steady rise is predicted, and sales will hit a peak of approximately 900,000 by the close of the year.

✏️ Sample Task

The bar chart above shows the estimated sales of jean for two companies next year in Turkey. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
✏️ Sample Essay

The bar chart illustrates the total number of calls in the UK in billions of minutes, with three call types over an eight-year period from 1995 to 2002.

On the whole, local fixed line calls reached a peak by the middle of the period, then gradually declined. National and International calls showed a gradual rise over the whole period with mobile calls rising considerably toward the end of the period.

With regards to national and international fixed calls along with mobile calls, mobile calls stood at around two billion minutes in 1995. Over the next four years, they showed a gradual increase, with a marked Increase in call numbers from 2000 to 2002. National and international fixed calls showed a similar pattern, starting at just under 40 billion minutes of calls In 1995, then rising steadily to around 60 billion minutes of calls in 2002.

Turning to local fixed line calls, in 1995 they began at slightly over 70 billion minutes and rose steadily to a peak of 90 billion minutes by 1999. However, from 2000, the trend showed a gradual decline in numbers of calls, ending in 2002 at the same amount as the start of the period.

✏️ Sample Task

The chart above shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the UK, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
βœ… IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Charts (3)
✏️ Sample Essay

The first bar chart illustrates the number of hours spent by 15-year-old adolescents on homework in various countries in 2015. The second chart highlights the top countries with scores recorded in science by the same age group, also in 2015, measured against an international standard.

Overall, there appears to be a correlation between countries where children spent little time doing homework and higher science scores.

Of the top three nations by hour spent doing homework, Finland spent the least time (2.8 hours) while South Korean and Japanese students averaged 2.9 and 4.3 hours respectively. Time spent by students in other countries averaged between five and seven hours, while those in Italy spent the longest time (8.6 hours) doing homework, over four times longer than those in Finland.

With respect to science scores, teenagers in Finland clearly scored the highest with a mean score of 568, despite spending the least time doing homework. Aside from Hong Kong (China) with 543, adolescents in the next six nations scored around 530 points. The lowest scores were recorded by Netherlands and the United States. Interestingly, Italy did not score within the top ten.

✏️ Sample Task

The bar charts show education data related to young adults aged 15 years in 10 different countries in 2015. The first chart shows in which countries adolescents do the most homework in terms of hours per week. The second chart shows the nations that scored the best on an international science test. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
Pie Charts

βœ… IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Pie Charts
✏️ Sample Essay

The given pie chart provides information about the proportion of people using digital networking according to age group in Jamestown for the year 2018.

Overall, the general trend of Jamestown's social media users in 2018 showed that the older people were, the less likely they would be to use digital networking.

In terms of the most significant feature of the chart, the largest category of digital communicators was the group aged 13 to 25, which accounted for 40% of the total users. Additionally, the next major segment of the population using social media included people aged between 26 and 35, which showed a slightly lower contribution at 35%. When added together, these two categories made up three quarters of Jamestown's social media users who used digital platforms in 2018.

In stark contrast, the category with the lowest percentage of users included people over 55 years old, accounting for a minute 2% of all users. This trend was joined by people aged 46 to 55 and people between 36 and 45 years of age, representing 8% and 15%, respectively. Of particular note is that those aged over 36 collectively made up only 25% of Jamestown's social media users.

✏️ Sample Task

The bar chart above gives the percentage of social media users by age in Jamestown in 2018. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
✏️ Sample Essay

The pie charts compare the popularity of various methods of transportation used in Cambridge in 2008 and 2018.

Overall, after a decade, the general trend showed that Cambridge's population had moved away from using motorized vehicles, preferred by the majority in 2008, in favour of walking and cycling, by 2018.

In terms of vehicle transport, cars were the most popular choice in 2008, preferred by 42% of people. This was followed by bus usage at 30%. As such, 72% of people used either of these forms of
transportation. In contrast, over the next decade personal motor vehicle use declined significantly and by 2018 it was the least popular transport form. On the other hand, the percentage of bus usage dropped only slightly by 5%.

In regard to other modes of transportation, walking and cycling options were unpopular in 2008. Bicycle transport was only chosen by 17% of people and travelling on foot was the least popular choice at 11%. Nevertheless, by 2018, cycling and walking had experienced a spike in popularity. Of particular note is that their collective use had made up more than half of selected transportation methods in 2018.

✏️ Sample Task

The bar chart above provide information on popular modes of transport in the city of Cambridge for the year 2008 and 2018. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

βœ… IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Maps
✏️ Sample Essay

The maps illustrate significant changes in the seaside town of Seaville, over a thirty-year period, from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, the village developed substantially from a holiday settlement to a permanent town over the 30 year period. Similarly, infrastructure and amenities increased, along with the town’s capacity to provide for tourists.

In 1980, Seaville was tiny, attracting only a few tourists, who were accommodated in cottages or a small hotel. In contrast, East Bank was unspoilt. To the east of the cottages, was a marsh, and there was woodland to the north. Regarding recreation, besides the beach, the town only offered a tea room.

However, the village had grown dramatically by 2010. Retirement villages had been built to the west of the main road. The marsh had been drained and the cottages demolished in order to construct houses. To cater for tourists, both a new high-rise hotel and holiday cottages on East Bank had been constructed. The woodlands had been cleared and supplanted by a golf course. Similarly, a boat club had been built on the west bank of the river. New infrastructure was created to access East Bank. On the other hand, the town had preserved the original hotel.

✏️ Sample Task

The diagrams below show the coastal village of Seaville in 1980 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
✏️ Sample Essay

The maps illustrate significant changes in the seaside town of Seaville, over a thirty-year period, from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, the village developed substantially from a holiday settlement to a permanent town over the 30 year period. Similarly, infrastructure and amenities increased, along with the town’s capacity to provide for tourists.

In 1980, Seaville was tiny, attracting only a few tourists, who were accommodated in cottages or a small hotel. In contrast, East Bank was unspoilt. To the east of the cottages, was a marsh, and there was woodland to the north. Regarding recreation, besides the beach, the town only offered a tea room.

However, the village had grown dramatically by 2010. Retirement villages had been built to the west of the main road. The marsh had been drained and the cottages demolished in order to construct houses. To cater for tourists, both a new high-rise hotel and holiday cottages on East Bank had been constructed. The woodlands had been cleared and supplanted by a golf course. Similarly, a boat club had been built on the west bank of the river. New infrastructure was created to access East Bank. On the other hand, the town had preserved the original hotel.

✏️ Sample Task

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
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