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✏️ IELTS Writing Task 2 Explained 💪
Cause & Effect Essay
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Cause and Effect Essay
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The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

- Write at least 250 words.
- You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
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Obesity among children has risen sharply over the last decade in western countries. Such a trend is largely the result of a tendency towards convenience in society, yet its effects may be detrimental to children’s long-term mental and physical health.

The prime causes of obesity are unhealthy eating habits and an inactive lifestyle. In recent years, there has been a surge in the consumption of convenience foods among modern families. Busy parents with no time to cook rely on prepared meals to feed their families. Such foods have little to no nutritional value which contributes to obesity. In addition, children these days spend inordinate amounts of time playing video games than playing outside with friends resulting in insufficient physical activity each day. For example, studies show that children in France exercise on average around 20 minutes per day as compared to 75 minutes 30 years ago.

The possible effects of obesity are a range of health issues. Regarding physical health, diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, are known to be higher in overweight children than their peers. These put a child’s life in danger, and may further affect mental health growing up. When children are obese, they are more likely to be bullied and ostracized by classmates because they look or behave differently. This has been known to cause low self-esteem and depression in many, and thus shun friends in favor of time alone.

In conclusion, through poor diet choice and inactivity, obesity is a growing problem that can cause lasting damage to a child’s mental and physical development. However, by addressing this problem while young, much can be done to aid a child in becoming a healthy functioning adult.
Discuss Both Views Essay
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Discuss both views + your opinion
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Some people think that exercise is the key to health, while others feel that having a balanced diet is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

- Write at least 250 words.
- You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
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According to some, good health goes hand in hand with regular exercise, yet others feel that it is more important to maintain a balanced diet. In my opinion, I believe that exercise is more essential for the majority of people.

There are several benefits to a balanced diet for good mental and physical health. For one thing, eating well lifts moods. Simple foods that are varied in color and type can lift mood and lower the risk of depression. Eating more fruits, colorful vegetables, proteins, and whole grains helps the body run efficiently. This makes dieters feel good, and as a result more willing to be active which thus makes them healthier. For another thing, eating well makes people less prone to getting sick by building a body less susceptible to disease. Vitamins and minerals in diet boost immunity, which protects the body against certain diseases like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

On the other hand, I believe that exercise is more effective at improving health since it encourages long-term health habits from the beginning. Exercising not only burns calories, but makes people feel good. While starting a diet is never a pleasant experience, cardiovascular exercises like cycling, walking or swimming trigger endorphins in the brain that immediately decrease stress levels, and enhance our sense of well-being. Once people start feeling good from exercise, they are more likely to continue. Moreover, exercise doesn’t have to be for long periods to achieve instant benefits. Doctors usually advise exercising for 20 minutes three times per week, a sufficiently short enough time to make a habit of, and fit into busy schedules.

In conclusion, while good diet is necessary, exercise offers greater convenience, flexibility, and by making people feel good, encourages good health habits in the long run.
Advantages & Disadvantages Essay
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Advantages & Disadvantages Essay
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It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school and going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

- Write at least 250 words.
- You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
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More and more students are taking a year away from their studies between graduating from school and beginning university. Students can save for and think about their future during this period, though there are several drawbacks to consider.

To begin with, by taking a year after high school, students can avoid costly mistakes of starting a degree that they are not interested in. A year is a good time to consider options and decide what subject is best to study. Secondly, a gap year is excellent for character development. When graduating high school at 18, most people still don’t know what life direction they wish to take. Studies show that students who take a gap year doing something constructive like travelling do better in at university later on than those who do not. Finally, a year away from studies provides the chance to save money. That way, at university, students may focus more on classes, and less on debt.

However, spending such a long time away from studying may cause some students to lose good study habits, and gain bad habits instead. After 12 years of continuous schooling, many teenagers may be distracted by the prospect of earning money, and lose the motivation to continue their studies. Furthermore, individuals without a constructive plan for their education-free year may be tempted to procrastinate and waste time. Lastly, travelling overseas can be expensive, and there is a real possibility that students may end up in more debt by the start of the university year.

To sum up, although students who take a year out can save money and achieve greater life-direction, this time may also be wasted, lead to greater debt, or cause unintended life decisions that may later be regretted.
Problems & Solutions Essay
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Problem & Solution Essay
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More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone?

- Write at least 250 words.
- You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
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Before as now, emigration from the countryside to the city continues apace worldwide as people seek a better standard of living. However, life in the big city is often hard on new immigrants. There are several reasons for this as well as solutions for governments to handle them.

Most difficulties emerge since rural folk are unaccustomed to city life on moving there. For a start, the cost of living is much greater than in a town or village. City residents must pay more for utilities, housing, transportation and food, which causes many immigrants to share overcrowded housing in a bid to save money. Secondly, unemployment in the city is a major challenge for new arrivals. Many immigrants are unprepared for the fierce job competition when arriving in a city. This inevitably drives unemployment up, which may quickly lead to poverty. Finally, healthcare costs are often high in the city, and if made sick, many immigrants often lose meagre savings to pay for their medical care.

To solve these challenges, and improve life for all inhabitants, city governments have several options available to them. Firstly, ensure an adequate housing supply to prevent overcrowding. Developing low-end, cost effective housing for migrants would reduce living expenses and provide a base for first-time inhabitants starting a new life. Secondly, establish job schemes and professional training programs for new city residents. This would help them to find reliable work and figure out their next step. Finally, make affordable healthcare available to all. Guaranteeing access to affordable healthcare provides a social safety net for new city citizens as they adjust to city life.

In conclusion, given the diverse challenges faced by city immigrants, ensuring decent accommodation and healthcare, as well as creating job programs, can help many hit the ground running and begin contributing to city life.
Two-Part Question Essay
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Two-Part Question Essay
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Art and music are considered some of the fundamental elements of society. Do you think art and music still have a place in today’s modern world of technology? Should children spend more time learning art and music at school?

- Write at least 250 words.
- You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
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Some people regard the arts as fundamental pillars of society, and even in today’s technology-dominated world, art and music are still important. More than ever before, I believe it is necessary to teach children such subjects in school for the many benefits they bring society.

Art and music are central to life in developed civilisations. For a start, they help society to reflect on what it has become. As society advances, artists help to interpret the changes and problems created by progress in unique ways. Artists use their creativity to draw attention to key issues such as the increasing mountains of trash produced or the rich-poor divide. Secondly, artists make people more humble by helping them remember their humanity and their connections to the world around them. Pictures of nature, society, tribal scenes, past and present make people think about their roots and consider where they’re heading. Finally, music gives joy and inspiration to many people. It helps to express emotion and lift mood when feeling down.

While in school, there are key advantages to learning art and music. For one, both give children the creativity to express themselves. Children live in a world of adults; however, art and music classes allow all to be themselves which is good for their mental development. For example, while older children are less inclined, younger children often find singing, dancing and painting to be among their favorite classes. In turn, studying music has proven beneficial in helping children connect more with their emotions. This produces more rounded adults able to connect with their knowledge through science and their emotions through art and music.

In conclusion, for adults and children, the arts bring not only joy, but inspiration, and helps both to remember who they are really are in a world dominated by science.
Opinion Essay
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Opinion Essay
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Some people argue that a capital punishment is good for a country. To what extent do you agree?

- Write at least 250 words.
- You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
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Some people believe that the death penalty can benefit a nation. I completely agree with this opinion, as the death penalty can positively impact a country through lowering both crime and tax rates.

Establishing the death penalty could effectively decrease crime rates in society. The most compelling reason for the death penalty's positive contribution to society, is that it is an effective deterrent to serious crime. For example, people who are thinking of murder or committing violent acts will think twice before doing so, and dangerous criminals who have undergone the death penalty would never be able to reoffend. As a result of this policy, crime rate would decrease.

Additionally, the death penalty could lower taxes for citizens. With this policy, the government would be able to spend less money on keeping the criminal in prison. If the criminal is jailed for many years, or for life, the government would need to pay for the enormous expenses involved, such as the cost of food for the prisoners and the salaries for the prison officers. However, with the death sentence, the prisoner will spend less time in prison and this would reduce the cost of imprisonment substantially.

All in all, I wholeheartedly agree with the opinion that sentencing serious criminals to death is beneficial for countries, due to its deterrent effect and its ability to cut down on government costs. Additionally, it guarantees that dangerous criminals are removed from society. Given this situation, it is recommended that governments around the world think about implementing this form of punishment.
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