Online English Club
Mindset for IELTS
Are you aiming to secure an IELTS overall band score of 7.0 or 7.5? You’re in the right place! Our tailored courses and expert guidance will help you build the skills and confidence you need to achieve your goals.
🔑Unlock Your Academic Potential with our 4-Month Mindset for IELTS course.
Mindset for IELTS offers an extensive array of IELTS topics and provides clear guidance on all the necessary skills and strategies to ensure thorough preparation for test day.
😍Our Advantages👇
There are at least six amazing advantages of this self-paced online course.
  • Interactive e-Homework Tasks
    ✅Gain access to eight units to boost your reading, listening, speaking, & writing skills, with access to online tasks for practical application of what you learn in live lessons with your IELTS tutor.
  • Animated PowerPoint
    ✅ Animated PowerPoint presentations are used during live online lessons to clearly explain all of these strategies.
  • Quick Grading & Feedback
    ✅ When you complete and submit thematic practice tests, your submissions are automatically checked, providing quick grading and feedback.
  • Interactive & Live Online Lesson
    ✅ Join interactive live lessons three times a week with your teacher, Akmal Akbarov. Ask questions, clarify doubts, engage in discussions, and share opinions with your peers.
  • Thematic Practice Tests
    ✅ You will learn key strategies for the Listening and Reading sections and then apply them with themed, relevant practice tasks in our Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Free Mock Exams
    ✅ Try our free mock exams that mimic the actual IELTS test. These practice exams assess your skills in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
🧐Is This IELTS Course
Right for You?
Review the following signs 👇 —if at least three apply to you, then this course is just for you.
❗️To join this course, you need to be at least at an Upper-Intermediate (B2) level in English, over 20 years old and have completed exam registration.
💰Pick the Perfect Plan 👇
Choose the pricing plan that best suits your needs and embark on your path to success.
Individual Learning
12 Live Lessons
Let's Talk

✅ One-to-one Lessons

✅ Personalized Learning

✅ Only Expert Teachers

✅ English Language Focus

✅ 24/7 Online Student Support

✅ Personalized e-Homework

✅ Personal Homework Checking

✅ Monthly Progress Checks

✅ Monthly Progress Reports

✅ Monthly Individual Feedback

✅Tailor-Made Curriculum

✅ Intensive Lessons

Closed (Temporarily)
12 Live Lessons
10MLN UZS monthly
  • ✅ Corporate Discount
  • ✅ Comprehensive Benefits
  • ✅ Personalized Learning
  • ✅ Limited Group Size (10 sts)
  • ✅ Colleague Collaboration
  • ✅ Regular HR Partnership
  • ✅ Only Expert Teachers
  • ✅ English Language Focus
  • ✅ 24/7 Online Student Support
  • ✅ Personalized e-Homework
  • ✅ Automated Grading System
  • ✅ Monthly Progress Checks
  • ✅ Monthly Progress Reports
  • ✅ Monthly Individual Feedback
  • ✅ Tailor-Made Curriculum
  • ✅ Intensive Lessons
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❓Frequently Asked Questions 👇
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🤩My Students' Feedback 👇
I'm pleased to share the feedback and results of my students who committed to intensive IELTS preparation over a focused period of 1-2 months, achieving their desired scores through hard work and dedication.
Anora Abdukadirova
HR Manager, Canadian School of Tashkent
I am writing to highly recommend Mr. Akmal, my ex-IELTS teacher whom I had the pleasure of reconnecting with during the MDIS entrance exams. Mr. Akmal is an exceptional educator who displays unwavering dedication and a true passion for his profession.

During my time as Mr. Akmal's student, I found his classes to be incredibly engaging and enriching. During the classes, we always were in discussions, group work, and peer-to-peer activities. This approach not only made the learning process enjoyable but also expanded our knowledge beyond the scope of the exam.

Mr. Akmal's teaching style was highly appreciated by all the students. He consistently encouraged active participation and provided valuable feedback, ensuring that we understood the material and could apply it effectively. He was always available for clarification or further explanations, making himself accessible and approachable to address any concerns or questions we had.

I believe that he will continue to inspire and empower future learners with his exceptional teaching skills and genuine love for his profession.
Mukhlisa Kadirova
Graduate, AKFA University
Изначально, целью моего обращения к Акмалю Акбарову была подготовка к экзамену IELTS. Ранее, я узнала, что в нашей стране начнет работу медицинский университет, обучение в котором будет проходить на английском языке.

Соответсвенно, в требования университета входило наличие сертификата IELTS. Времени было не так много, на подготовку оставалось примерно два-три месяца. И за это время мы сделали невероятный прорыв!Акмаль-ака обучил меня не только стратегиям прохождения международного экзамена, он научил меня быть смелее и увереннее в себе, более того-он помог мне перебороть языковой барьер.

Благодаря его усилиям, за такой короткий промежуток времени(1,5 месяца) мой общий балл IELTS составляет 6.5, и самое главное-я поступила в университет Akfa Medline. Хочу сказать, что Акмаль-ака является одним из самых прекрасных учителей в моей жизни, а образовательный центр Investudy я с уверенностью могу назвать лучшим в своей сфере. Огромное вам спасибо за ценные знания и опыт!
A'lohon Rahmonov
Graduate, Westminster International University in Tashkent
Я бы хотел поблагодарить Акмал ака Акбарова за 2 летнее качественное обучение меня. Когда я был 9ым классом, я начал с ним заниматься и мой уровень английского языка был "beginner". Мы занимались с ним 2 года и за это время мы успели пройти general English, academic English(IELTS) и Business English .

Мне нравился его метод преподавания, так, как они были высоко качественными и интересными. Как учитель, он строгий, требовательный и имеет много летний опыт работы со студентами разного возраста что является, по моему мнению, необходимым для преподавателя. Он мне помог во многом и одним из главных было, то что он научил меня не стоять на одном месте, двигаться вперед и всегда работать над собой.

Я очень рад, что поступил в Вестминстерский Университет(МВУТ) благородя стараниям и усердной работе Акмал аки.
Bahriddin Abdiev
University of Melbourne, Australia
Would you believe me if I told you I got my required score 6.5 by just preparing two months in IELTS for the first time? It is all thanks to Akmal Akbarov as I was 100 % sure that he was a guru of his job for several reasons.

Before I met Akmal in person, I had known him as a charismatic English teacher. This is because I would always read his amazing articles and guide books published on his personal blog. He would always share useful links in his social networking pages and was very keen on helping others improve their English in his comments.

I have known Akmal Akbarov mostly through the Facebook for two years. However, you know, even learning from professionals is sometimes very boring experience. But it was entirely different with him. He makes his lessons so fun and joyful that you don't think you are sitting in the lesson but rather in a stand-up comedy show or a debate club.

Furthermore, during the lessons he shares a lot of useful tricks, tactics and strategies which I found very helpful in my IELTS examination this year. I can tell you some of them right now, but it is better to learn first-hand from the professional himself.

That is why, I strongly recommend Akmal Akbarov to improve your English language skills.
Seun Yu
Graduate, Jeon Buk National University, South Korea
Hi, this is a lot of joy to write testimonial talking about Akmal Akbarov's lessons. I met him 2008 when I arrived in Taskent first time in my life. It's been 6 years ago - so at that time he was already a teacher who always tries to get ready for joyful and meaninful English class.

Reading, speaking, writing, listening are all things of important subjects that benefit students for improving English, Akmal Akbarov had a skill to see things equally balanced and to teach students them with variety of materials, such as presentation files, links to Web pages, and assessment questions.

He tought his students, including me, how to write a coherent sentence and laboriously correct the work of each pupil.

I am sending him a loud applause for a lot of his hard work into teaching English, and still want to say Thank you. Follow him! It is your best bet!
Abduvosid Malikov
Graduate, Westminster International University in Tashkent
Firstly, class atmosphere is very friendly. A person entering the classroom feels him/herself very easy and free as here no bureaucratic or strict rules are observed with Akmal Akbarov. Tutor tries to explain the lessons as simple as possible using different materials. Materials cover almost all aspects of English and all of them are described using situations which we observe in our daily life.

Generation gap is almost not visible as Akmal aka tries to share his own experience, let the students to easily express their ideas and tries to be positive all the time. I still remember our first lesson with him which was dedicated to the topic of “friendship” and he asked me to tell him something about it. It was very difficult for the first time and I could manage to tell only 2 or 3 complete sentences.

​After this, he recommended me to read short stories, listen podcasts, watch interesting English TV broadcasts that broaden the fantasy and worldview as well as improves communication skills. It really helped me and after that I started speaking English and expressing my opinions fluently.

All above mentioned factors are not the indicators of absence of discipline. I remember once I have not done my homework but anyway attended the lesson. My tutor Akmal aka instead of scolding me made it clear that learning was two sided process which means it requires the effort from both sides – tutor and student. If one side does not participate at all in this process, there will be no positive results.

He also has unique teaching style. During our lessons, we were limited to a single topic. We used to discuss recent news, global events, cultures of different countries and others. We used several mobile applications and games to better remember the topics.

As I mentioned earlier, before I attending the lessons of this tutor I could barely speak English. I had plenty of ideas to talk about but could not manage to express appropriately so that people also understand my viewpoint. Also I had a poor vocabulary (lexicon). If it comes to my writing, it was also very poor. I remember my first essay about friends where I wrote about 4 paragraphs and in each paragraph I had 1 or 2 sentences (in Russian or in Uzbek) which were not translated into English at all. Earlier I had not read books so often and especially if it came to English books, I was very passive.

When I started attend Akmal Akbarov’s lessons I could easily talk with my friends in English. Every lesson I read new texts and learned new words, improved my vocabulary. We started to analyze essay examples of IELTS and put my first steps in writing. As the time passed by, I could write 2, 3 essays in a week. I started to listen and read podcasts. It was both interesting and effective as it also helped me to improve my pronunciation.

My biggest achievement was that I have entered the world of interesting ideas, discoveries, topics, and many others that require from the person the knowledge of language. I am very happy that I have worked with Akmal ala and recommend him to others also. You will learn a lot with this tutor which further allows you to independently continue your adventure.

💻Course Topics 👇
Discover all essential topics and skills you will master throughout this course!
🥰About the Course Teacher 👇
Meet your IELTS tutor, Akmal Akbarov, who has also developed the Talk the Talk 2.0 and Talk the Talk 3.0 online speaking courses, designed for busy professionals.
  • MA in Teaching & Learning
    successfully completed a Masters of Arts in Teaching and Learning level-7 in 2023. The course is validated by the University of Westminster, London, UK.
  • PGCert in Teaching & Learning
    successfully completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning Level 7 in 2010. The course is validated by the University of Westminster, London, UK.
  • Cambridge Assessment English
    successfully completed the Cambridge Assessment English Train the Trainer course in August 2022.
Contact us to join the course & start learning very soon.
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