Welcome to your Pre-Intermediate course,
Thank you for signing up for the online English lessons. Please, remember you can contact me any time you have any questions about your lessons or homework. I respond to messages as soon as I am free. Before we start our virtual journey, I want you to do these 4 simple things:
1. Develop Self-Discipline: During your online lessons, you should be super honest to yourself because it is very easy to cheat, procrastinate and delay.
2. Get Your Tools: For the best online learning experience, you should have your own laptop, stable Wi-Fi Internet connection and headphones.
3. Download the App: You will have all your online lessons at Zoom Pro app. So please,
download it into your laptop or mobile phone. We use professional version of Zoom so you don't have to reconnect every 40 minutes.
Finally, don't be late to your online lessons. Invitation link to online lessons is shared before every lesson.