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Most Important Academic Words Every IELTS Candidate Must Know - Part-2

2023-11-25 02:12 IELTS Vocabulary
Ready to dive into a language adventure that's as exciting as decoding a treasure map? Well, get ready because we're about to unravel the mysteries behind some seriously cool words – the kind that not only make you sound super smart but also open doors to a world of understanding. 🌐 From figuring out how that fancy chemical compound is derived from plant extracts to unraveling the major factors that influence our choices, we've got a linguistic rollercoaster ahead. 🎢 And hey, we're keeping it real with everyday examples, so you won't need a dictionary to join the party. So, buckle up for a journey where we will tackle everything from established theories to the nitty-gritty of handling hazardous materials. Get ready to be the word wizard you were always meant to be! 🧙‍♂️📚✨

21) Derived:

  • Definition: Obtained or obtained from a source.
  • Example Sentence: The chemical compound was derived from natural plant extracts.

22) Factors:

  • Definition: Elements or circumstances that contribute to a particular result or situation.
  • Example Sentence: Economic and social factors influence consumer buying behavior.

23) Procedure:

  • Definition: An established or official way of doing something.
  • Example Sentence: The laboratory has a strict procedure for handling hazardous materials.

24) Definition:

  • Definition: A statement of the exact meaning of a word or the nature or scope of something.
  • Example Sentence: The dictionary provides a clear definition of the term "biodiversity."

25) Assume:

  • Definition: Take for granted or without proof.
  • Example Sentence: It is unwise to assume that correlation implies causation in scientific research.

26) Theory:

  • Definition: A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method.
  • Example Sentence: The theory of evolution is a fundamental concept in biology.

27) Benefit:

  • Definition: An advantage or profit gained from something.
  • Example Sentence: Regular exercise has numerous health benefits.

28) Evidence:

  • Definition: The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
  • Example Sentence: The detective gathered compelling evidence to solve the crime.

29) Established:

  • Definition: Having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.
  • Example Sentence: The university has an established reputation for academic excellence.

30) Authority:

  • Definition: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
  • Example Sentence: The government has the authority to regulate certain industries for the public good.

31) Major:

  • Definition: Important, serious, or significant.
  • Example Sentence: The company made a major investment in research and development.

32) Issues:

  • Definition: Important topics or problems for discussion or debate.
  • Example Sentence: The committee addressed several pressing issues during the meeting.

33) Labour:

  • Definition: Work, especially hard physical work.
  • Example Sentence: The construction project required a significant amount of manual labor.

34) Occur:

  • Definition: Happen or take place.
  • Example Sentence: Accidents can occur if safety protocols are not followed.

35) Economic:

  • Definition: Relating to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities.
  • Example Sentence: The economic downturn had a profound impact on small businesses.

36) Involved:

  • Definition: Connected or participating in a situation.
  • Example Sentence: The team members were actively involved in the planning process.

37) Percent:

  • Definition: A fraction of 100, denoted by the symbol "%."
  • Example Sentence: The price increased by ten percent over the past month.

38) Interpretation:

  • Definition: The action of explaining the meaning of something.
  • Example Sentence: Different scholars may offer varying interpretations of a historical event.

39) Consistent:

  • Definition: Acting or done in the same way over time; unchanging.
  • Example Sentence: Consistent attendance is crucial for academic success.

40) Income:
  • Definition: Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  • Example Sentence: The family's income increased after both parents secured better-paying jobs.