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Most Important Academic Words Every IELTS Candidate Must Know - Part-3

2023-11-25 02:20 IELTS Vocabulary
Ready to embark on a linguistic joyride through words that make the world go 'round? Well, buckle up because we're about to unravel the magic behind some seriously cool terms – the kind that not only make your brain flex but also add a dash of charisma to your daily conversations. From dissecting the legal intricacies of complex business agreements to understanding the fundamental concept of supply and demand, we've got a buffet of knowledge served with a side of relatable examples. So, get cozy as we explore the various facets of structure, dig into the constitutional nitty-gritty, and decode the formulas that make math look like a piece of cake. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or just dipping your toes into the sea of knowledge, this linguistic adventure promises to be as exciting as a blockbuster movie night! 🎬📚✨

41) Structure:

  • Definition: The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something.
  • Example Sentence: The essay's structure plays a significant role in conveying the argument effectively.

42) Legal:

  • Definition: Relating to or governed by the law.
  • Example Sentence: The company sought legal advice before entering into a complex business agreement.

43) Concept:

  • Definition: An abstract idea or general notion.
  • Example Sentence: Understanding the concept of supply and demand is fundamental to economics.

44) Formula:

  • Definition: A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.
  • Example Sentence: The scientist developed a formula to calculate the rate of chemical reactions.

45) Section:

  • Definition: A distinct part or subdivision of a writing or document.
  • Example Sentence: The first section of the research paper outlines the scope and objectives of the study.

46) Required:

  • Definition: Necessary; essential.
  • Example Sentence: All students are required to attend the orientation session before the start of the semester.

47) Constitutional:

  • Definition: Relating to the constitution of a country or organization.
  • Example Sentence: The court ruled that the new law was not constitutional and violated citizens' rights.

48) Analysis:

  • Definition: Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.
  • Example Sentence: The analysis of the experimental data revealed a significant correlation between variables.

49) Distribution:

  • Definition: The action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
  • Example Sentence: The distribution of resources in the community should be fair and equitable.

50) Function:

  • Definition: The purpose for which something is designed or exists.
  • Example Sentence: The heart's primary function is to pump blood throughout the body.

51) Area:

  • Definition: A region or part of a town, a country, or the world.
  • Example Sentence: The downtown area is known for its vibrant cultural scene.

52) Approach:

  • Definition: A way of dealing with something.
  • Example Sentence: The team adopted a collaborative approach to solving complex problems.

53) Role:

  • Definition: The function or position of a person or thing in a particular situation.
  • Example Sentence: Effective communication plays a crucial role in team dynamics.

54) Legislation:

  • Definition: Laws collectively enacted by a governing body.
  • Example Sentence: The new legislation aims to address environmental concerns and promote sustainable practices.

55) Indicate:

  • Definition: Point out; show.
  • Example Sentence: The data collected from the survey indicates a growing trend in consumer preferences.

56) Response:

  • Definition: A reaction to something.
  • Example Sentence: The government's response to the crisis involved implementing emergency measures.

57) Period:

  • Definition: A length or portion of time.
  • Example Sentence: The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and artistic innovation.

58) Context:

  • Definition: The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea.
  • Example Sentence: Understanding a word's meaning often depends on its context within a sentence.

59) Significant:

  • Definition: Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention.
  • Example Sentence: The discovery of a new species is a significant event in the field of biology.

60) Similar:
  • Definition: Resembling without being identical.
  • Example Sentence: The two experiments produced similar results, confirming the validity of the hypothesis.