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Most Important Academic Words Every IELTS Candidate Must Know - Part-1

2023-11-25 01:53 IELTS Vocabulary
Hey there, curious minds and word enthusiasts! 🌟 Ready to embark on a linguistic adventure that's as fun as it is informative? Well, buckle up because we're about to dive into the fascinating world of words – not just any words, but the kind that fuels industries, fuels research, and, dare I say, fuels your next 'aha' moment! 🚀 Imagine this as your personal dictionary tour where we will casually stroll through terms that not only sound impressive but also unlock a treasure trove of knowledge. From the nitty-gritty details of sectors to the wizardry of estimating, we're turning the mundane into the extraordinary. So, grab your wordy compass, and let's navigate through the linguistic wonderland together! 🎓✨

1) Sector:

  • Definition: A distinct part or branch of a larger organization, industry, or economy.
  • Example Sentence: The technology sector has seen significant growth in recent years.

2) Available:

  • Definition: Ready for use or accessible.
  • Example Sentence: The library provides a wide range of available resources for research.

3) Financial:

  • Definition: Related to the management of money, investments, and other monetary aspects.
  • Example Sentence: The company is conducting a financial audit to assess its economic health.

4) Process:

  • Definition: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular outcome.
  • Example Sentence: The manufacturing process involves several stages of quality control.

5) Individual:

  • Definition: A single, separate person or thing.
  • Example Sentence: Each individual in the experiment had a unique response to the stimulus.

6) Specific:

  • Definition: Clearly defined or identified.
  • Example Sentence: The instructions provided specific details about the required format for the report.

7) Principle:

  • Definition: A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior.
  • Example Sentence: The ethical principle of honesty is emphasized in academic research.

8) Estimate:

  • Definition: An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
  • Example Sentence: The researcher had to estimate the sample size for the survey.

9) Variables:

  • Definition: Factors that can change or be changed in a scientific experiment.
  • Example Sentence: The study analyzed the variables that could influence the outcome of the experiment.

10) Method:

  • Definition: A systematic and organized way of doing something.
  • Example Sentence: The scientific method involves observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and analysis.

11) Data:

  • Definition: Facts, figures, or information collected for analysis.
  • Example Sentence: The research project gathered extensive data on consumer preferences.

12) Research:

  • Definition: The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
  • Example Sentence: The research paper explored the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

13) Contract:

  • Definition: A formal agreement between two or more parties.
  • Example Sentence: The company signed a contract with the supplier for the delivery of raw materials.

14) Environment:

  • Definition: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  • Example Sentence: Environmental scientists study the impact of human activities on the natural environment.

15) Export:

  • Definition: Send (goods or services) to another country for sale.
  • Example Sentence: The country's economy relies heavily on the export of agricultural products.

16) Source:

  • Definition: A place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained.
  • Example Sentence: Credible sources are crucial when conducting academic research.

17) Assessment:

  • Definition: The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
  • Example Sentence: The teacher's assessment of the students' essays considered both content and structure.

18) Policy:

  • Definition: A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.
  • Example Sentence: The company implemented a new policy to improve workplace safety.

19) Identified:

  • Definition: Recognized or pointed out.
  • Example Sentence: The study identified several key factors contributing to the success of the project.

20) Create:
  • Definition: Bring (something) into existence.
  • Example Sentence: The artist worked tirelessly to create a masterpiece for the exhibition.